
part 2!

one of the units that interested me in part 2 was the world of geometry. i think this unit stood out to me because in our math class this semester we had to do presentations on different types of mathematics. the type that i was assigned was geometry. so i have spent some time recently researching different types of ways to teach geometry. some of the objectives for this unit were for the students to know: types of angles, unique characteristics of circles, what makes shapes and objects congruent and symmetrical, and the attributes of points, lines, line segments, planes, rays, parallel lines, and perpendicular lines. i really liked the idea of having the students have lots of oipportunites to handle and explore objects in their environment, as they studeied geometric terms. if students are actively engaged in learning tasks that involve manipulatives - that learning will transfer to more traditional activities.
one particular lesson i enjoyed in the geometry unit was lesson 6 on tangrams. the reason why i enjoyed this lesson is because it intertwines math with literacy. part of the lesson involves reading and discussing the story "grandfather tang's story". if we can teach our students that different subjects connect in many different ways, then it may become easier for them and show them how it is worthwhile to learn the material we are presenting to them.
the other unit i enjoyed in part 2 of "differentiation in practice" was unit 6, we each have a role to play. this unit is a language arts unit that introduces literature circles. literature circles include certain roles for participants to play as they work together to analyze and understand a text. a few of the objects for this unit are for the students to know elements of characterization, including description, emotion, tone of voice, and actions, the tasks of specific literature circle roles, and criteria for asking and writing good questions. i like the idea of having a "certain role" to play. this helps those students that would normally not be as involved in the lessons, to speak up, and it also makes those students that are normally very chatty, to allow others to contribute in the activity. another way differention is included in this unit to me is the way they are grouped. not only are they given the chance to share their ideas and work in a group setting. they are also given the possibility to work on their own, since they are given their own role to fulfill. i liked the lesson on the introduction to literature circles, because i felt that it was very well planned out. they go through an overview of literacy circles, and then they discuss the discussion director's role. i feel that this is a very smart way to go about teaching this concept. introducing the concept and then teaching the most important role for that moment. excellent.
these are just a few of my thoughts from part 2 in our book. i hope it's what you were looking for nancy!

1 comment:

  1. I loved that you found things in these two units that you can connect to... that you can picture yourself using. This will help you learn to differentiate in easy and "painless" ways! 4 points
