
the simple, hard truth

this was by far my favorite chapter to read this semester. this book is so unlike any other book we have to get for the semester. it honestly speaks to the heart as you say nancy. it doesn't just list out definitions and eplain different theories that we need to know. it teaches us through eample. it gives so many different stories of showing differentiation, that it makes it possible to invision it. in a way this book has opened my eyes. but at the same time it hasn't. i have always viewed children as having various needs and wants. and i feel that as a teacher it is my job to find the best possible way to connect with each child, to make learning easiest and most enjoyable for them. this chapter talked about the difficulties of creating and maintaining a differentiated classroom. and it's true. there are so many students in the classroom to connect with that it could be overwhelming. and there are so many people outside of the classroom, in our normal every day life, that crave our attention as well. it's so easy not to differentiate. i liked on pg.91 where it said, "the more willing we are to take the risks, the better the lives of our students are likely to become, and the greater the fulfillment we are likely to feel at the end of the day." i truely believe that this statement is true. if we put our all into differentiation, everybody will be benefitted in the end. not just the students, but us as teachers as well. thanks for choosing this book for us nancy, it's very valuable.

1 comment:

  1. Great posting, Caitlin! I heard your voice and felt your heart! Looking forward to that kind of experience in your paper! 4 points
